Husker SOcial Media Graphics

Husker Football internship                   Illustration                


This graphic was posted on the Husker social media accounts a week prior to the 2023 Spring Game. I chose to make it reminiscent of a blueprint, adding in fans entering the stadium. Since the spring game is “red vs. white,” these are the only two colors I used.


I illustrated a photo taken during winter conditioning of a player with a sled push, placing a “7” on it instead of weights. I highlighted the illustrative characteristics, including sketch-like strokes.


I illustrated flowers inside a helmet to bring a more feminine tone to a traditionally masculine sport for Mother’s Day. I chose to keep the graphic as a whole very simple, allowing the illus- tration to be the main focus.


For this social media post, I wanted to make a graphic similar to illustrations I’ve seen used for puzzles. The player is meant to look somewhat like Santa with a bag of toys, which worked well with the red Husker jersey. I included other small details like the snowman with the Husker scarf and red balloons, using a “gift tag” for the text.